FOWODE launches her new strategic Plan

(left - right): Solome Mukisa Founder Member, Solome Nakaweeso, Board Chair,
 Winnie Byanyima Founder member, Benigna Mukiibi, Founder Member,
 Patricia Munabi, FOWODE Exective Director and Lina Zedriga, FOWODE Board 
Member, at the launch of FOWODE’s new Strategic Plan
FOWODE on 6th march 2013 launched her new strategic plan 2013-2017, in New York. The five-year Plan was launched by Winnie Byanyima who is also one of the founder members of FOWODE.

The new Strategic Plan builds on the past successes and will help scale up and deepen FOWODE’s work of ensuring women’s voices are more audible and their capacity to access and control resources is enhanced. Its theory of change is to invest strategically in areas where power is exercised i.e. around money, voices and participation which will ultimately increase accountability towards omen centered economic and political processes.

Describing it as a blueprint for growth and improvement, Solome Nakaweesi the FOWODE Chairperson pointed out that although the previous strategic plan did a lot to transform the lives of women in the public sphere, the new plan focuses on working with unthreatened men to support women in their private and public lives, working with communities and families to travel the gender equality journey and engaging on social accountability.

The FOWODE Executive Director, Patricia Munabi stated that with this new plan, FOWODE will focus on key themes of strengthening ‘women’s voice and participation in the political, economic and social arenas. Accountability, which will see the organization striving to improve women’s knowledge of their rights and enhance their capacities to seek gender accountability, Economic justice through which FOWODE will support women to engage effectively in economic process as a foundation for their participation and ability to seek gender accountability and institutional capacity which will aim at enhancing FOWODE’s capacity to effectively deliver on this new strategic plan.

Speaking to the audience, the Chief Guest Winnie Byanyima reiterated the need for fair representation and participation of Women in governance as a prerequisite of democracy. Stating that having a critical mass of women in leadership is crucial for human development in all countries developed or not developed.

She called on commitments from different actors for an increase in the number and impact of women in decision making given that the world has only 8 women heads of state, 21 women heads of parliaments and only 17% women ministers. She urged FOWODE to focus on trends including volatility, scarcity and the geopolitical which have critical implications for women’s rights and gender equality. 

The FOWODE chair pledged to provide prudence governance, which will implore FOWODE to travel this journey of change. She called on members to partner with FOWODE in this new phase as partners, donors, and friends and as people that want to see an organization that has come of age move to another level.

Present at the launch were FOWODE founder members, partners as well as FOWODE friends. The event was crowned off with a celebration of Winnie Byanyima’s appointment as the Executive Director of Oxfam International making her the first woman to occupy such a position which requires her to provide strategic direction and coordination of the world wide confederation of OXFAM affiliates.


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