As 2016 draws close, Forum for Women in Democracy has embarked on training women leaders. in the last week of October alone,  30 women political aspirants from the districts of, Kampala, Nakasongola, Apac, Bukwo, Buikwe, Kamuli, Kalungu, Masaka, Mityana, Butaleja, Wakiso, Kyenjojo, Kibuku and Luweero were trained in campaign procedures and skills for winning the elections. 

The two-day workshop, brought together women political aspirants from various political parties to acquire knowledge and skills in effective campaigning procedures to enable them successfully engage in the upcoming general elections in 2016. The women political aspirants some of whom were engaging in political leadership for the very first time are vying for different leadership positions ranging from members of Parliament to district and local council councilors. The comprehensive training covered various sub themes including; Transformational leadership in Uganda’s Context, Women and Political Parties, Gender in Politics, Electoral Commission Roadmap to 2016, Feminist Leadership, Running a successful Campaign as well as Developing a winning manifesto. 

The participants that are in positions of leadership both direct and affirmative action seats heard from experienced facilitators such as former  Member of Parliament and Member of the Constitutional Assembly, Hon. Tezira Jamwa who advised the women leaders not to fear contesting for leadership seats with men.

The capacity building was indeed a defining moment for the women’s future engagement in the campaigns. An aspirant from Kamuli district said, 

‘I am going against a very strong candidate, in fact it is as if I am going to stand against the entire political party because of the position that person holds in this country, but am very sure that I will win in all this. This training has opened my eyes to the importance of studying an opponent and win the elections.-" a  Member of Parliament aspirant - Kamuli district said. 

The women were encouraged to face any obstacles that women face in the campaign race and utilize the knowledge on feminist leadership even after they have assumed office. This was emphasized by Patricia Munabi Babiiha, the Executive Director FOWODE who in her opening remarks urged the leaders to front women issues in all their legislative spaces. She  asked the women to avoid being used to advance political party agenda instead of prioritizing the Women’s Agenda. 

FOWODE is relentless in empowering women leaders, and under the Leadership Advisory Desk will continue to enhance women’s abilities to effectively participate in political and governance processes. FOWODE envisions that empowering aspiring women leaders will empower them take up key decision making positions for more gender sensitive legislation, programing and development.


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