WOMEN AND POWER: When Is Our Turn?

I have a brilliant acquaintance who has a degree in engineering. She and her partner have been together for almost four years and have a child together. I care about both of them deeply, but he became my friend because she was my friend first. He’s a nice guy: hard working and dedicated, but not very ambitious. He is comfortable in his job and has no designs to move up, move out or move on in order to earn more. She on the other hand has her life and its trajectory planned out for the next six years; but now the unplanned has happened.
Because she has poured so much into her work and performed her duties with such excellence, the VP of her organization has singled her out to take on a position he’s creating based on her skill set. She is thrilled, of course, but hesitant to take the offer because it requires a move to a small town. She knows that her partner is comfortable where they are and would not want to move. The man is comfortable where he is, and the woman is supposed to abandon her ambitions for his benefit.
There has been a long standing tradition in just about every culture that expects women to drop everything – to delay their hopes, dreams and ambitions until a man figures out what he wants to do with himself. It is rare that a man has the gall, compassion, fortitude or whatever you want to call it to put his woman’s professional needs above his own...even when she’s the major breadwinner in the family  It’s rare, but it’s not unfathomable or impossible
Every day I look around me and I see women who have missed out on fabulous opportunities because of the sacrifices they are expected to make for children, family, spouses and mates. A small number of friends and acquaintances who took the brave step to join politics or male-dominated platforms in society (and not on the easier women's representative ticket or by affirmative action) have met with ridicule and scorn, some have quit while others have triumphed
Enough is Enough!        Photo credit: Francis Emorut, New Vision

There is an adage that says “Well behaved women rarely make history”. Grab a pen and paper and write down the names five prominent women.
What were their attributes? Would you consider them daring and determined? What kind of obstacles did they face? Did they overcome them by playing meek and subservient, or did they attack and conquer them?
No woman should live a life of mediocrity because this is what life for a "good woman" is "supposed" to look like.  My dear friend, if you’re reading this: Go for yours. The path to greatness is trodden by few. Don’t let ANYONE stop you from achieving and obtaining what is specially carved out for you!

Do you agree women are expected to make sacrifices for the benefit of others? Is it selfish for a woman to consider herself before her family/mate? 


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