
Showing posts from November, 2011

Uganda Feminist Forum 2011: Whose Power? Whose Politics?

A taste of some of the sessions in the 2011 UFF: 'Women, Money, Power and Politics' – facilitated by Marren Akatsa Bukachi Christine Mugerwa shared her experiences running for a parliamentary position in the 2011 elections. She spoke about running a clean campaign and the impact of money on elections in Uganda  Patricia Munabi Babiiha shared her journey embarking on business ventures after being inspired during the last Feminist Forum and shared her vision to contribute to a fund supporting Feminist political candidates during elections Self care and renewal session: Introduction to Afrikan Yoga – Ife:     Piankhi: Ife introduced the concept of Afrikan Yoga, stating that yoga, which many think of as foreign, actually originated in the Nile Basin. She spoke of processes of self care and renewal to counter burn-out, despair and feminist exhaustion. Women need to learn how to relax; to nurture ourselves. Ife promised to deliver more during the ...