
Showing posts from February, 2012

Women councilors trained in effective legislative engagement

“…I have become more aware of what authority I possess  and what my responsibilities are as a Councilor.  I had not been oriented on my roles since I was  elected Councilor.” Forum for Women in Democracy ( FOWODE ) organized a capacity building training in February 2012 for thirty nine (39) female District, Municipal and Sub County Councilors, majority of whom are new to the legislature, having been elected last year. The training aimed at enlightening the Councilors from Masindi and Busia districts on the Council operations as well as furnishing them with key skills necessary for effective legislation like public speaking, time management and mitigating conflict among others. The Councilors discussed and agreed on priority areas of focus once they return to their respective districts. Councilors from Masindi agreed to mobilize women leaders, youth and disabled persons for effective participation in decision making, form Women Caucuses and lobby for in...

Gender Champions to move a motion to establish a gender and equity monitoring unit in Parliament

“…every government institution or sector will be required to  present the Certificate of Gender and Equity Compliance  before its  plans, budgets are approved by Parliament”. Gender champions within Parliament are plotting to move a motion requiring the establishment of a ‘Gender and Equity Monitoring Unit’ within parliament that will be mandated to check for adherence of the various government sectors to Ministry of Finance’s Budget Call Circular directive on gender and equity budgeting. Working hand in hand with the Uganda Women Parliamentarians Association , the Parliamentary Budget Office , Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and the Forum for Women in Democracy , the Members of Parliament want this unit to be established as an independent body that will play an advisory role to the various parliamentary committees when auditing the compliance of the different sectors to the budget call circular gender directive. It will also be responsible...

MPs should reject the Shs 92bnSupplementrary Budget request by State House

State House yesterday asked MPs to approve Shs92 billion in more funding for the Presidency. The request was submitted to parliament yesterday by Junior Finance Minister Fred Omach requesting for shs81.8bn under its recurrent expenditure and another shs 10.1 bn for development activities swelling its budget by 38%. The Speaker passed it to the Parliamentary Budget Committee for scrutiny and consideration. As mandated by the constitution, the Executive arm of Government should exercise near absolute control over the way national budget resources are appropriated and utilized. However, in the recent past Parliament which is supposed to be the guarantor of public interest with regard to public funds has acted as a spectator or sometimes as an accomplice in budget abuses. This time all eyes are on Parliament and it is still unclear whether the 9th House will have the bravery to say ’NO’ taking into consideration that their own integrity and reputation is in question after approving t...