The Africa We Want: Governments Must Re-Dedicate to Women’s & Girls’ Rights Commitments
Forum for Women in Democracy represented by her Executive Director Patricia Munabi, was one of the women’s rights organizations that met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 14-16 November to call on African governments to re-dedicate themselves to upholding national, regional and international laws and policies that advance women’s rights and gender equality on universal human rights standards already agreed upon and protect them from social moral and cultural arguments and positions. Civil Society Organizations discussed the progress made in the field of women's and girls' rights 20 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BDPfA) was adopted. Participants said that most of the gains made in Women's and Girls' rights since the holding of the International Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 have come under various threats and are facing persistent challenges, notably from widening inequalities between the rich and poor and between men and...