Food security remains a vital issue in the development of Uganda. According to a World Food Programme report, Nationally almost half (48%) of Ugandans are food energy de fi cient, spiking at 59% in northern Uganda, which is the most food insecure region. Meet Ayella Lilly a member of a model farmer's group in Amuru sub county, Amuru district. The mother of three is envied for her efforts to educate her children relentlessly. Ayera is a beneficiary of the food security training that was conducted by done by FOWODE to help the female farmers ensure food security in their homes. Lilly has built three granaries in her homestead with a capacity of three bags of grain each. she has now bought 8 rabbits that reproduce and are sold at 3000/- a pair. From savings, she has built a four roomed house. ‘ My family is doing better now. My husband and I now agree on domestic issues because I also contr...